Recap - the Xsens DOT Developer Conference

18 Jun, 2021

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Recap - the Xsens DOT Developer Conference

with Xsens DOT

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During the first Xsens DOT Developer Conference, our partners and customers talked about their breakthrough application development journeys using Xsens Wearable Sensor Technology. Let's guide you through this exceptional opportunity to learn more about some of the most innovative healthcare and sports market applications. We chose the best use cases for you to get inspired to innovate. The sessions have been divided into the segment's health and sports. You can start with the segment health or scroll down to the sports segment.  


We proudly present to you a few examples out of the millions of applications that our customers are able to build using wearable sensor technology. But how did we start to personalize and customize the healthcare industry with it? In the panel discussion 'How the evolution of motion tracking technology transforms the health industry', Travis McDonough (Kinduct), Arun Vydhyanathan (Xsens DOT), Igor Ikink (Xsens) and Erica Zelazny (Xsens DOT) talked about it. Watch it here:

How the evolution of motion tracking technology transforms the health industry

Wearable technology and machine learning: active injury prevention

A lot of us had to go through safety training at work. We learned how to carry boxes around or master a perfect sitting posture. However, is it as helpful as your company presents it, or is it just one more checkbox to fill in? At Xsens DOT Developer Conference, Joint Action Solutions presented a different approach to Risk Assessments by including tracking of our emotional wellness. 

"We can't differentiate and can't remove work life and home life - they coexist. Stresses we cope with at home we take to home and vice versa. These can contribute further to adding to stresses which will then affect how you perform a task which then can expose you to risk. So we cannot ignore psychosocial factors." - David Bick (Director Physiotherapy at  Joint Action Solutions)

Accurate, reliable, and objective wearable sensors from Xsens DOT can help to reduce musculoskeletal injuries at the workplace but it requires organizations to adapt their cultures so that machine learning technologies could be developed. Watch the webinar here:

 Automated Tasks Risk Assessment, a benefit or a distraction?

Rehabilitation with IMUs and biofeedback

In the last years, rehabilitation is continuously changing thanks to the outbreak of new technological solutions and the insurgence of new needs in patient's care both in clinics and at home. The CoRehab team has started their revolutionary product Riablo in 2013 and already received very positive feedback towards the Wearable Technology powered medical device. We had an opportunity to hear more about them and their application of Xsens DOT Wearable Sensors at the Developer Conference, and now it's available for you as well! 

A live demo of Riablo: 

Learn more about the results of a long-term effort in optimizing the design and development of the rehabilitation system: 

Rehabilitation with IMUs and biofeedback

Change the entire wearable tech landscape: Exonetics & The Keys To Success

After excepting the risks of being different and taking the role of the disruptor, Jeremy Milliner and William Suys created the startup Exonetics. From the beginning, they were powered by the idea to provide people with "superpowers" and help them to transform their bodies accordingly. At the Xsens DOT Developer conference, Jeremy shares 5 keys to success that could also help you to move forward! 

"What if a wearable could make you stronger or faster? What if it could provide immediate first aid or medical treatment? I am talking about wearables that directly make us better and more resilient to harm. Wearables are now a tool we can use to exist potentially in any environment, no matter how hostile the environment is." - Jeremy Milliner (President and Co-Founder of Exonetics)

Change the entire wearable tech landscape - Exonetics & the Keys to Success

Addressing Musculoskeletal Conditions with Wearable Technology

AKLOS Health is a game-changing app for the physical health of individuals everywhere. Users can access personalized data from the comfort of home and without the need for lofty physio fees. Sound too good to be true? Not with the Xsens DOT wearable sensor platform! Platform users can quickly track their basic physiological movements with minimum fuss. The data taken from the sensors is then assessed by offsite coaches, providing feedback attuned to each user’s needs. During the Xsens DOT Developer Conference, the Founder and CEO of AKLOS Health, Patrick Pakan told us more about his development journey with Xsens DOT and the inspiring, personal story that kick-started his venture.  

''I ended up using every major digital exercise therapy platform that was available on the market back in 2018. I was really underwhelmed by the lack of personalized and comprehensive care that I was receiving with somebody's solution. That, for me, was a jump point for starting AKLOS health'' - Patrick Pakan (Founder and CEO of AKLOS Health)

Addressing Musculoskeletal Conditions with Wearable Technology


From golfers perfecting their swing to runners looking to analyze their stride, 3D motion tracking sensors provide invaluable data in order for them to improve their performance and prevent injury. You are probably curious to find out how the evolution of motion tracking technology transforms professional sports. We invited René Wijlens (EPSI), Travis McDonough (Kinduct), Jason Konrath (Principia Technology) and Raymond ten Hove (Xsens DOT) to discuss this topic.  

How the evolution of motion tracking technology transforms professional sports

Digitizing the Global Fan Language for Fans

Incapable of enjoying our favorite sports games live and getting bored of TV screens, we need to find ways of getting back the emotions that float around while cheering for our favorite teams and sports performers. Fanmode already started an application that provides a hands-free experience of connecting fans around the world.  

"The fan language is the most widely spoken language in the world. Whether you're applauding in Argentina, the USA, or Australia, wherever it is - holding your head or putting your arms to the air. It's a universal language, and digitizing it is our mission! As we move forward trying to make the world a stadium."  - Neven Murugan (Head of products and Co-Founder of Fanmode)

We discussed all the unlimited possibilities of this idea at the Xsens DOT Developer Conference and now you can learn more about it as well! Watch it here: 

Digitizing the Global Fan Language for Fans

Powering the Future of Fitness Technology

 FitLift is a mobile application and motion tracking wearable platform that allows trainers to effectively manage their athlete's sports performance and provide real-time feedback via mobile phone. The innovation aims to prevent injuries by offering advanced kinematic analysis powered by wearable sensors.

We discussed all the unlimited possibilities of the application for weightlifting enthusiasts at the Xsens DOT Developer Conference, and now you can learn more about it as well! Blaine Killen (CEO of FitLift) will tell you all about it:

Powering the Future of Fitness Technology

Transformation of health and sports industries with access to personalized and customized data assessment

Kinduct is an outcome-driven human health & performance management system. Their configurable, highly secure, cloud-based platform allows organizations to consolidate information, analyze results and prescribe action plans. They work with over 500 Pro and Elite Teams worldwide by providing full support through the sports performance analysis. Xsens DOT welcomed the Kinduct team at the Xsens DOT developers conference to show how more accessible and personalized care is changing the landscape of sports and health industries. 

"Kinduct is an actual team of practitioners, therapists, elite athletes, and coaches. All of us are patients - we have all experienced the inefficiencies of data silos. This includes: time wasted, increased injuries, chronic pain challenges, losing gains, quality of life challenges as we age. At some point, we will get injured, and we want to get back to the way we lived yesterday." - Jeff Johnson (Sr. Account Executive at Kinduct)

Transformation of health and sports industries with access to personalized and customized data assessment

Data doesn't improve performance, the right interpretation and use of it does

After trying numerous technologies, from high-end mocap systems to simpler wearable technologies, the conclusion that one of the ORYX Solutions Co-Founders ended up was always the same. The output metrics always enabled the monitoring, but it was almost impossible to design complete training programs or select exercises linked to a traditional biomechanical output matrix. That's when they decided to go beyond the hype of data and try to relate to the way therapists and trainers think and work. Watch Marcel Tiggelman (Co-Founder of ORYX Movement Solutions)

 Data doesn't improve performance: the right interpretation and use of it does

Start building your application today!

With Xsens DOT, the possibilities are endless. We encourage developers to build their own unique applications. Our White Label option allows you to customize a design for the Xsens DOT and have your own logo on the sensors.  Visit our website to see what Xsens DOT can do for you. 

Learn more about Xsens DOT here.