Adding Industry-4.0 capabilities to existing machines allows smart manufacturers to monitor equipment status, notify critical events, and connect to cloud-based dashboards – achieving process optimization with a cost-effective innovation strategy.
ENGIE Refrigeration, a global specialist in products, solutions and services for economic and energy efficient refrigeration and heat generation, uses Hololight Space to create efficient workflows and facilitate machine design.
Extend Robotics leveraged Photoneo’s MotionCam-3D Color for its exceptional 3D vision technology, enabling precise remote operations in challenging environments like space. This innovative solution enhances robotic capabilities, allowing for high-resolution scans under extreme conditions.
DEEP Robotics is a leader in the innovation and application of embodied intelligence technology, being the first in the world to achieve collaborative search and rescue with robot dog clusters.
Facing the challenge of reducing R&D time for the design and production of high-precision car accessories, Weldbeat Australia turned to Photoneo’s MotionCam-3D camera and 3D Instant Meshing software to streamline their prototyping process, enabling the design and rapid testing before production.
Wageningen University & Research is spearheading a pilot project focused on advancing cucumber plant phenotyping with unprecedented speed and accuracy, leveraging Photoneo's cutting-edge MotionCam-3D Color camera for the creation of digital twins with color and texture.
A foundational challenge to construction is ensuring that the earth below a building is stable enough to support it: a challenge AMB Vapor Monitoring met by creating a custom Arduino solution – going from idea to installation in a matter of months: “And it works. It just literally works.”
Using a 3D scanning approach such as Photoneo MotionCam-3D for scoliosis diagnosis provides a noninvasive method that can prevent invasive medical procedures and radiation risks from medical X-ray examinations.
Manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, and more: each industry needs specific robots and specific solutions to run and control them. But “Robotics for the Real World” provider R2 Labs, based in the United States, has set out to change that.