case study

How AKLOS Health Aims To Revolutionize Physiotherapy

19 Apr, 2021

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How AKLOS Health Aims To Revolutionize Physiotherapy

with Xsens DOT

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AKLOS Health is a game-changing app for the physical health of individuals everywhere. Users can access personalized data from the comfort of home and without the need for lofty physio fees. Sound too good to be true? Not with Xsens DOT wearable sensor platform. 

By ordering a kit containing sensors and a tablet, users can quickly track their basic physiological movements with minimum fuss. The data taken from the sensors is then assessed by offsite coaches, providing feedback attuned to each user’s needs. To find out more about AKLOS Health, we sat down with company founder and CEO, Patrick Pakan, discussing his mission, Xsens DOT platform, and the inspiring, personal story that kick-started his venture. 

Road to Recovery

Patrick’s switch from a career in investment to app-development was born out of his own physiological issues. Six surgeries in 12 years while working close to 80 hours a week was no walk in the park for Patrick, who insists that much of it would have been avoided with access to high-level physiotherapy. Something needed to change. 

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After scouring the market for an evidence-based, exercise therapy platform that could be used at home, Patrick realized there was a desperate need for a scientific and personalized approach to recovery. Stepping foot into entirely new territory meant Patrick required the right technology and expertise to realize his vision – The Xsens DOT platform and the Xsens team were the perfect choices. 

“Xsens doesn’t just provide the DOT wearables and run. They’re equipped with the right engineers to assist in our development where needed which is incredibly helpful,” said Patrick. “The DOT wearables allow us to categorize a patient’s pain condition then customize an exercise program based on their unique movement data. The DOTs also provide our health coaches with the movement information needed to continually monitor patients without needing to be in the same room – DOT has proven to be as accurate as the high-grade industrial-sized mocap systems.”

AKLOS makes personal health easy for everyday individuals, providing a bespoke service that works directly with the users in any setting or environment. In-depth knowledge isn’t required. 

“We send patients a kit in the mail with a tablet and anywhere between two to five wearable sensors. While the patients are exercising, our offsite health coaches are provided with performance-based outcome measures.” Patrick explained, adding, “We look for asymmetries, compensatory movements, and joint range of motion by way of example, so we can prescribe the appropriate exercise pathway and progress a patient’s program accordingly. What sets us apart is our ability to capture clinically relevant movement data and optimize patient results.”

An inspiring mission

AKLOS Health is part of a technological future that connects people to the very best experts remotely, regardless of their location, something that could revolutionize physiotherapy in the modern world. This future is only made possible with incredible advancements in wearable tech and digital connectivity.

“Our mission is to make healthcare more equitable by providing solutions digitally where the current care models are becoming outdated. We’re seeing a shift in exercise therapy from brick and mortar clinics and into the home and we want to provide high quality care at an affordable price point to patients that otherwise would have a difficult time accessing this level of care.”

We provide innovative developers like AKLOS Health with ground-up support – create applications we hadn’t imagined possible with Xsens DOT today.

Are you interested about AKLOS Health and would like to know more about their journey with Xsens? Then we would recommend you to watch the webinar which you can on our webinar overview.

With Xsens DOT, the possibilities are endless. We encourage developers to build their own unique applications. Our White Label option allows you to customize a design for the Xsens DOT and have your own logo on the sensors.  Visit our developer page to see what Xsens DOT can do for you. 

Learn more about Xsens DOT here.