

One of the great plus points of 3D printing is that you can design pretty much any shape or geometry that you want, and Nylon is a great general-purpose material to use. But there are some key considerations to keep in mind when designing nylon parts to make sure you get the parts you want.

20240117-Protolabs Insight - Nylon 3D Printing

Ejector pins are utterly vital to the process of creating injection moulded parts. If all goes well they barely leave a mark, but sometimes this is not the case. In this video we talk about how design and position can minimise this, considering shape and specific qualities of the part.

20240117-Protolabs Insight - Ejector Pins

Polyjet is a 3D printing technology that offers great accuracy and uniquely allows you to alter the part’s material properties in different places on the build. For the right part or prototype Polyjet is a great option, but understanding the capabilities and limitations is key.

20240117-Protolabs Insight - Polyjet

This video will tackle the tricky topic of cooling rates in injection moulded parts. Looking in detail at important considerations when designing your part such as; avoiding narrow gaps leading to higher pressure, temperature uniformity, higher tolerances, multiple gates and upping cooling rates.

20240117-Protolabs Insight - Cooling Rates

There are numerous reasons to choose 3D printing: the geometry it offers, the absence of any kind of mould/tooling, the ease in which you can make changes to your design, speed and even cost. This video will discuss each of these benefits in more detail and explain why 3D printing is so appealing.

20240117-Protolabs Insight - Why Choose 3D Printing?