Podcast: Eliminating Emissions With IoT, Shapeshifting Fabrics, Fuel Cell Flight
In this episode, we talk about cutting vehicle emissions testing using IoT devices, creating shape memory textiles from recycled wool, and an initiative to develop hydrogen fuel cell powered airplanes.
In this episode, we talk about cutting vehicle emissions testing using IoT devices, creating shape memory textiles from recycled wool, and an initiative to develop hydrogen fuel cell powered airplanes. As always, you can find these and other interesting & impactful engineering articles on Wevolver.com.
(0:40) Eliminating Emission Inspections Via IoT -
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University developed a machine learning model that can conduct vehicle emission inspections more accurately than the OBD tests used by mechanics.
(7:20) Shapeshifting Fabrics -
Scientists from Harvard University created a sustainable and 3D printable fabric derived from recycled wool with shape shifting capabilities.
(12:30) Fuel Cell Powered Airplanes -
The German Aerospace Center has received funding to build a testing facility composed of all key components of a hydrogen fuel cell powered system for the development of an electric, hydrogen fuel cell powered regional aircraft.
About the podcast:
Every day, some of the most innovative universities, companies, and individual technology developers share their knowledge on Wevolver. To ensure we can also provide this knowledge for the growing group of podcast listeners, we started a collaboration with two young engineers, Daniel Scott Mitchell & Farbod Moghaddam who discuss the most interesting content in this podcast series.
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