Tech Specs | project specification

Geminoid DK

A biomimetic anthropomorphic robotic head with human-like kinematic properties. Geminoid is going to be used for studying human-robot interaction, in particular people's emotional responses when they face an android representing another person. All of the movements and expressions of Geminoid DK are remotely controlled by an operator with a computer, who uses a motion-capture system that tracks facial expressions and head movements.

Technical Specifications

Weight 40
Height (sitting) 130
Width 56
Length 85


Geminoid is going to be used for studying human-robot interaction, in particular people's emotional responses when they face an android representing another person. All of the movements and expressions of Geminoid DK are remotely controlled by an operator with a computer, who uses a motion-capture system that tracks facial expressions and head movements.


Describes the design process of the robot, specifications, and discusses the "Geminoid Reality" research path. Also touches on the future plans for the project, and the human interaction approach taken with the humanoid.

E. Vlachos and H. Schärfe - Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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