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Festo Corporation


Esslingen, Germany






Automation Machinery Manufacturing

What we do

We supply pneumatic and electrical automation technology to 300,000 factory and process automation customers in over 35 industries. The LifeTech sector, with medical technology and laboratory automation, is becoming increasingly important. Our products and services are available in 176 countries. With about 20,700 employees in over 250 branch offices in 61 countries. In this learning company, we invest in basic and further training. Festo Didactic SE is a leading provider of technical education and training and offers its customers worldwide comprehensive digital and physical learning solutions in the industrial environment.

Our Mission and Values


Latest Posts

Whether free and flexible movements or defined sequences, the modular pneumatic lightweight robot can be used for a wide variety of applications in the context of human–robot collaboration depending on the composition and mounted gripper.

Festo BionicSoftArm

The Dutch company Synchron Lab Automation developed an automated DNA extraction system with very high throughput rates by working very closely together with Festo. As a result, customers in the seed industry can collect DNA from up to 40,000 samples per day.

Collaboration in laboratory automation