Your Guide to 3D Printing BigRep PLX

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16 Oct, 2023

Image credit: 3dprinting

Image credit: 3dprinting

Learn more about this versatile filament engineered with print speed in mind.

A leader in large-format FFF 3D printing, BigRep has a clear understanding of the diversity of its clients’ needs. To meet these varied needs, the company has developed filaments optimized for its large-format technologies, each offering unique properties, like high temperature resistance, excellent impact resistance, flexibility, and more. BigRep PLX, our main focus in this article, is a versatile filament engineered with print speed in mind. Keep reading to learn about the bio-based filament, its properties, applications, and more.

What is PLX 3D Printing Filament?

PLX is a PLA-based filament that combines the benefits of PLA—such as easy printability—with enhanced properties. Specifically, PLX has been engineered by BigRep to deliver superior strength and performance compared to PLA, and can be printed up to 80% faster. Like BigRep PLA, PLX is derived from organic compounds and is biodegradable when disposed of in the right conditions.

BigRep has fine-tuned PLX filament for its large-format 3D printing platforms, ensuring that no matter the scale of a part, the filament will maintain good printability, adhesion, and surface quality. The filament is also compatible with other FFF platforms. In general, PLX is considered an affordable, versatile material that brings consistency and high print quality to the table. 

Why Use BigRep PLX Filament?

Users looking for a material that combines the printability of PLA with mechanical properties that rival (and can even exceed) ABS should consider BigRep PLX. The general use filament is well suited to many types of application, from design models and functional prototypes, to tooling, to aesthetic end-use parts. 

Engineered for printing speeds of up to 120 mm/s, PLX unlocks faster print times, which can accelerate product development timelines significantly. The material can also be printed at lower print speeds to achieve excellent print surface quality, even for fine details. The material thus has many possible uses, and—thanks to its affordable price point—is accessible to a wide range of different adopters, from hobbyists to industrial users.

Benefits of 3D Printing BigRep PLX

As we’ve seen, one of the primary benefits of BigRep PLX is its print speed. The material can be processed at speeds up to 80% faster than classic PLA, which offers big advantages to those working with tight schedules and turnaround times. But print speed is only part of the equation: with the right print settings, PLX prints can also achieve exceptional surface finishes.

On top of that, PLX is known for being user friendly. Similar to PLA, the material does not require extreme print temperatures, it demonstrates good bed adhesion, and is resistant to warping. Users have also noted that support removal (either soluble BVOH or breakaway supports) for PLX prints is painless. Another big benefit of working with PLX is that the material is manufactured from renewable resources and can be biodegraded. This gives the filament a distinct environmental advantage compared to plastics derived from non-renewable resources like petroleum. 

To make the most out of BigRep PLX, follow the recommended print settings below:

  • Nozzle temperature: 190 - 220 °C

  • Print Bed Temperature: 50-70°C 

  • Fan speed: 75-100%

  • Chamber Temperature: n/a

  • Print Speed: 40-120 mm/s

What to Look Out For When 3D Printing BigRep PLX

In general, there aren’t many caveats when 3D printing BigRep PLX. The material is easy to use, works with a wide range of FFF 3D printers, and delivers good print results, even at fast print speeds. 

One factor that bears keeping in mind, however, is heat resistance. Like PLA, PLX is not a high-temperature filament. On the one hand, this is a good thing: the material can print at relatively low temperatures and does not require an enclosed build environment. On the other hand, with a heat deflection temperature (HDT) of 68 °C, PLX is not particularly well suited to applications that are exposed to extreme temperatures. The filament is also not UV resistant, which limits outdoor applications.

PLX Material Properties

PLX offers users a combination of mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties that meet the needs of many applications, both hobbyist and industrial. To gain more insights into the material’s characteristics, we’ll look at them in relation to PLA’s properties.

Mechanical properties

PLX filament has a slightly lower tensile strength than BigRep PLA (48 MPa vs 60 MPa), however the material makes up for that with significantly higher ductility. Whereas BigRep PLA has only 4% elongation at break, PLX has an elongation at break of 20%. PLX also has superior flexural strength and impact strength than PLA. 

Thermal properties

When it comes to thermal properties, PLX has a slight edge over PLA. While PLA has a heat deflection temperature of up to 60 °C, PLX boasts a glass transition temperature of 63 °C and HDT of up to 68 °C. This approaches that of BigRep PETG (70 °C) , though is still substantially lower than ABS (91 °C).

Chemical properties

As a polylactic acid blend, PLX has similar chemical properties to its sister filament PLA. In general, these filaments are not known for their resistance to chemicals, including common post-processing solvents like acetone, as well as acids, and alcohols. It’s also worth remembering that PLX can degrade when exposed to UV rays. 

Best Practices for Storing and Handling BigRep PLX

When 3D printing PLX, proper storage and handling are critical to unlocking the best print results. Fortunately for users, the filament is relatively low maintenance, needing simply to be stored in a dry, room temperature environment away from the sun. While not the most prone to moisture absorption, PLX is still considered slightly hygroscopic, hence the dry environment. 

If a spool of PLX is exposed to humidity, it is possible to dry it out before printing. BigRep recommends baking the filament at no more than 50 °C for 4 to 6 hours. For industrial users, the BigRep SHIELD, a filament dry cabinet capable of storing up to 60 kg of filament spools, can extend the shelf life and quality of PLX filament.

It is also important to maintain good ventilation when using PLX (and any other filament) to disperse fumes and vapors generated in the extrusion process. Finally, BigRep recommends wearing personal protective equipment, like gloves, mask, and eyewear while post-processing PLX prints. 

Use Cases: See How Customers Use BigRep PLX 

Fast-printing PLX filament is a good candidate for many of the same applications as PLA, such as prototypes and large-scale models with excellent aesthetic quality. The material also has viability for a number of industrial applications, including tooling for aircraft maintenance parts. Let’s take a closer look.

In 2020, Norwegian firm CNE Engineering worked with Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) to rapidly develop engine exhaust covers for the increased number of grounded planes during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. These covers were necessary to protect the unused aircraft engines from the harsh Scandinavian winter as well as other debris and moisture. However, they also had to be easy to remove, since the engines required regular operation and testing while grounded. 

SAS did not have enough off-the-shelf engine covers or other required equipment on hand, so it recruited CNE Engineering to develop a solution that would both protect the engines and circumvent the supply chain issues that arose in the pandemic. The result was a large-scale urethane exhaust cover that was cast using a 3D printed mold. 

The mold itself had to withstand the urethane casting process, which led the CNE Engineering team to use a combination of BigRep PLX and HI-TEMP CF filaments. BigRep PLX was used for the top and bottom part of the tool (printed on the BigRep ONE), while the center core was made from HI-TEMP CF. PLX offered fast production speeds for the large tooling and the necessary strength and resistance. HI-TEMP CF, for its part, offered enhanced thermal resistance and durability for the casting process. In the end, the 3D printed tool enabled the rapid production of many exhaust covers, which saved SAS significant assembly and disassembly time for its aircraft engine maintenance. The use of BigRep 3D printing also allowed for a rapid turnaround: CNE Engineering delivered SAS’s first order within just two months of being approached.

For more specifications on BigRep PLX or to purchase a spool of  2.85 mm filament, head to the BigRep Online Shop.