AutoBlocks: Unveiling the Vision - A Pioneering Journey in Industrial Automation

Jared Sandam the esteemed President of Fancort Industries invites viewers to embark on an extraordinary journey into the revolutionary realm of AutoBlocks.

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30 Nov, 2023. 1 minute read

Discover the Future of Industrial Automation with AutoBlocks!

Discover the Future of Industrial Automation with AutoBlocks!

In an enlightening and captivating video presentation, Jared Sandam the esteemed President of Fancort Industries invites viewers to embark on an extraordinary journey into the revolutionary realm of AutoBlocks™. This cutting-edge innovation stands as a transformative force in the field of industrial automation, promising to reshape industry standards and redefine the possibilities within the automation landscape.


The video unfolds as a narrative, providing a deep dive into Fancort's storied history, offering glimpses of the challenges that fueled the inception of AutoBlocks™, and showcasing the platform's profound impact on the industrial automation panorama. A visionary in the field guides viewers through the intricate construction of machines, spotlighting the modular, flexible, and scalable design philosophy that defines AutoBlocks™.


What makes AutoBlocks™ truly groundbreaking is its more than a product approach – it represents the ushering in of a new era where automation is not merely accessible but dynamic and transformative. As eloquently put, AutoBlocks™ is a solution that extends beyond the boundaries of conventional products; it's the undisputed future of industrial automation.


Taking a step back in time, reminiscing about the origins of AutoBlocks™, the team set out on a mission to serve clients in the Electronics and Aerospace sectors like never before. The journey was marked by the construction of machines of increasing complexity, a testament to Fancort's deep-rooted expertise in advanced manufacturing.


However, this journey also brought forth a challenge – the complexity of the systems limited their capacity to serve a broader market. It was a pivotal moment that led to the recognition of a pressing need for scalable, semi-custom solutions that didn't demand enormous budgets or extended timelines.


This realization paved the way for AutoBlocks™, a platform that revolutionizes the very essence of how we think about automation.


The platform is introduced as a modular marvel, incorporating components like indexing turntables, motion-additive machine blocks, and specialized application kits. It epitomizes flexible, scalable automation and has already garnered partnerships with industry giants such as Epson and Cognex.


As for what lies ahead, reveals that exciting additions to AutoBlocks™ are on the horizon, set for release in early 2024. This commitment to continuous innovation solidifies AutoBlocks™ as the go-to platform for those seeking future-proof automation solutions.


AutoBlocks™ is more than a product; it is a profound evolution in industrial automation. So come join us on this transformative journey.