Podcast: Beating Bias In AI, Anti-Tremor Gloves, AR Assisted Surgery
In this episode, we talk about a joint effort to detect bias in AI funded by Amazon and the National Science Foundation, tremor reducing gloves, and the world’s first augmented reality assisted surgery.
In this episode, we talk about a joint effort to detect bias in AI funded by Amazon and the National Science Foundation, tremor reducing gloves, and the world’s first augmented reality assisted surgery. As always, you can find these and other interesting & impactful engineering articles on Wevolver.com.
(0:45) Detecting and Mitigating Bias In AI -
A collaboration between University of Michigan, UC Santa Cruz, Ohio State University, and Purdue University to investigate the detection and mitigation of bias in artificial intelligence.
(6:30) Tremor Stabilizing Gloves -
Five Microns has developed a glove capable of reducing essential tremors - which affects 7 million people in the U.S. alone - by ~85% using tuned mass damper technology.
(11:20) World’s First AR Assisted Surgery -
Augmented reality made its debut in the operating room by assisting the Chief Surgeon at Balgrist University Hospital with spinal surgery.
About the podcast:
Every day, some of the most innovative universities, companies, and individual technology developers share their knowledge on Wevolver. To ensure we can also provide this knowledge for the growing group of podcast listeners, we started a collaboration with two young engineers, Daniel Scott Mitchell & Farbod Moghaddam who discuss the most interesting content in this podcast series.
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