Episode 3: The future of manufacturing

Last updated on 27 Nov, 2020

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Episode 3: The future of manufacturing

Our third episode is an interview with key members of the Ultimaker team, who share their knowledge and insight into the evolving role of FFF 3D printing, in both manufacturing and design.

Our third episode is an interview with key members of the Ultimaker team, who share their knowledge and insight into the evolving role of FFF 3D printing, in both manufacturing and design. 

Our guest speakers are Paul Heiden, the Senior Vice President of Product Management, Merijn Neeleman, our Portfolio Development Manager, and Rohit Jhamb, Director of Global Research and Analytics. Thanks to their different roles, they each offer unique perspective into additive manufacturing, and how it benefits businesses around the world. 

One of the topics is the exploration of the role of additive in LEAN manufacturing, and how advantageous it can be. They also discuss digital distributed manufacturing, the future of the supply chain, and how production processes are evolving for companies who have adopted 3D printing in their product development and fulfilment pipelines.