
Sean Cummings Cummings


Stanford, CA


Science Communication Intern


I'm a science and environment writer and student in the Science Communication Master's Program at UC Santa Cruz. My reporting has appeared in Mongabay, Eos, The Mercury News, Good Times, and the Santa Cruz Sentinel, among a few other publications, and I have interned with the Deep Look video series at KQED in San Francisco. I'm most excited by stories about ecology and biodiversity—anything that evokes wonder at the living world and that highlights our own cultural, physical, and emotional connections to the biosphere as humans. However, I'm open to stories across a range of scientific and environmental topics.

Latest Posts

From space robots to self-driving cars, Stanford’s Autonomous Systems Lab looks to push the boundaries of exploration and boost the safety and efficiency of everyday tasks.

The limitations of being human got you down? There's a robot for that

The one-armed “TidyBot” needs only a few starter examples to figure out how you like your stuff put away.

This robot learns to clean your space just the way you like it