
Remko Schippers


Leuven, Belgium


Engineering Science, master mechanical engineering


When I was younger, I always wanted to know how every machine worked. Most of the time you could find me outside, trying to take all kinds of things apart and studying the mechanisms inside. This interest in mechanical machines grew to a fascination with cars, especially the ones from F1. It has always been a dream to once work on a car like this, and thanks to the team I can finally make this dream come true. Formula Electric Belgium is the perfect opportunity to use the theoretical skills I gained from my studies in Mechanical Engineering at the KU Leuven. This year, I will focus more on the management of our organization. Providing the team with all the necessary tools, planning and guidance. We are more than ever eager to win the competition. Together with 45 other students, we made the goal clear: finishing top 5 in the overall EV competition. https://www.youtube.com/c/FormulaElectricBelgium https://www.instagram.com/formulaelectricbelgium/ https://www.facebook.com/formulaelectricbelgium

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