
Miroslav Milovanovic


Niš, Serbia


Assistant Professor


I have a PhD in Computer Science and Electrotechnics and work at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering as an assistant professor. I teach courses that are strongly connected with Data Science, the Industrial Internet of Things, Modern Control of Industrial Processes, and Intelligent control. Additionally, I am the Chief of the Laboratory for Intelligent Control in the Control Systems Department. My instructional expertise encompasses courses strongly connected with Data Science, the Industrial Internet of Things, Deep Learning, Machine Learning in Python, Modern Control of Industrial Processes, and Intelligent Control. By imparting practical knowledge in these areas, I empower students to excel in their chosen fields. With over 45 published scientific papers, my research primarily revolves around Data Science, Deep Learning, and their practical applications. For more information, you can explore my research work at the following link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Miroslav_Milovanovic/research .

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