
Malwina Ciesla


Developer Experience Engineer


I am a Developer Experience Engineer at AVSystem, specializing in creating seamless experiences for developers. Simultaneously, I am pursuing my studies in Technical Computer Science at AGH where I proudly serve as a President of the AGH Marines Science Club, where we explore the fascinating realm of marine sciences.

Latest Posts

The Internet of Things, with its vision of linking all aspects to a global network, is currently in the process of radically reshaping our everyday experiences across various domains.

IoT communication protocols with measurements for NB-IoT

In this video, we'll dive into the world of device testing within our IoT Device Management Platform.

What You Can Achieve in Your Next IoT Project with Prototyping Tools?

In this video, we'll explore the exciting world of IoT development and learn how to seamlessly forward telemetry data to InfluxDB Cloud.

How to forward telemetry data to InfluxDB Cloud?

In this video, we're delving into the dynamic world of forwarding data to Kafka.

How to forward telemetry data to Confluent Kafka?

Managing data in IoT is a tough task. With varied data types and huge volumes, connecting devices to the cloud becomes complex and expensive. But it doesn't have to be that way.

How to Streamline Data Handling with LwM2M Solutions?

If you have ever found yourself facing challenges when it comes to forwarding data to an HTTP endpoint, you're in the right place.

How to forward telemetry data to HTTP endpoint?