
Kaitlyn Landram


Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Communications Manager


Communications Manager at Carnegie Mellon University's College of Engineering

Latest Posts

Researchers fabricate the world’s smallest QR code that, invisible to the naked eye, encrypts information to only be visible by an infrared camera lens.

Micro mirage: the infrared information carrier

New research from Carnegie Mellon University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Human+AI Design Initiative underlines the adage “teamwork makes the dream work,” especially when it comes to human-AI collaboration.

Head-to-head: Human vs. AI-human teams

Novel drone navigation technology developed by Kenji Shimada was put to the test in an active Japanese tunnel construction site, enabling drones to approximate where a collision may occur and prevent it.

Drones CAN navigate dynamic environments

For the first time, researchers have arranged 2D MXene nanosheets into a 3D structure without compromising performance—a technology with the potential to have a tremendous impact on energy storage devices for applications like electric vehicles.

From 2D to 3D: MXene's path to revolutionizing energy storage and more

Introducing the first soft material that can maintain a high enough electrical conductivity to support power hungry devices.

Engineering breakthrough in softbotics

Carnegie Mellon University’s College of Engineering is equipping next generation engineers with the ability to integrate AI into the constraints of the engineering problem by way of seven new master’s degrees in AI Engineering.

AI Engineering will change the world around us