
Jonathan Harris


New York, NY


Author, Lead Application Engineer


Jonathan Harris is the Lead Application Engineer at nTopology. His PhD, conducted at the University of Cambridge, focused on developing design guidelines for optimizing the impact energy absorption of additively manufactured cellular structures for defense applications. Prior to this, he studied Aerospace Engineering Science at the University of Toronto with a research focus on nanocrystalline-coated lattice structures, and worked in composites manufacturing for aerospace and automotive.

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When it comes to designing cars, saving weight is a top priority. But there is more to it than just swapping steel for aluminum, or tearing out the back seats.

Automotive Lightweighting: Radical Gains Through Advanced Design

When it comes to absorbing an impact, something’s got to give. Generally, that is one of two things collapsing: a protective structure like a helmet (which is hopefully present), or the sensitive object being protected (e.g. a person’s body or head).

Control the collapse: Architected materials for impact absorption

When it comes to designing cars, saving weight is a top priority. But there is more to it than just swapping steel for aluminum, or tearing out the back seats.

The Quest for Automotive Lightweighting

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When it comes to designing cars, saving weight is a top priority. But there is more to it than just swapping steel for aluminum, or tearing out the back seats.

The Quest for Lightweighting: Automotive and Beyond