
Itamar Kunik


Sunnyvale, CA


Co-founder and CEO of Monogoto, a global cellular infrastructure for IoT connectivity and private LTE/5G networks. Itamar is a veteran of the IDF intelligence elite unit and brings more than 20 years of experience in leading over-the-top telecommunication and cyber security cloud-based platforms. Itamar was previously the CTO of fring, an OTT VoIP platform with 65M users. Itamar holds a BA in computer science from IDC Herzliya.

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In a world where connectivity is king, the choice of SIM form factor plays a crucial role in the success of any deployment from consumer electronics to IoT applications. As a versatile platform Monogoto supports an array of SIM types, tailored to meet specific operational needs and strategic goals.

The Right Approach for My Use Case. SIM Form Factor.