
Beau Holder


Public Affairs Officer


Professional space evangelist | Experienced communications, PR, & brand lead in commercial & civil aerospace with graduate policy background

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In a world that runs on data, computer simulations are among our most powerful tools for investigating any scenario. The same is true for NASA Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) researchers as they plan the future of the national airspace. Together with industry partners, these researchers are delivering the data needed to allow self-flying electric air taxis and drones to execute flight paths as easily as your phone maps your car’s route.

On the Fly: NASA Researchers Map Air Taxi Maneuvers in Simulator

Tabletop exercises allow researchers to explore options and test scenarios in fields from military strategy and cybersecurity to disaster response planning. Now, NASA is using tabletop exercises to test how electric air taxis will fit safely into the national airspace – allowing passengers to one day hop across town or to a neighboring city by using new highways in the sky.

NASA Sets Table for Safe Air Taxi Flights