
Barry Fitzgerald


Eindhoven, the Netherlands


Science Communication Officer


Latest Posts

A TU/e-led project using advanced catalytic methods to cleave carbon-carbon bonds in plant-based lignin is featured on the cover of the first-ever issue of Nature Chemical Engineering.

Cracking carbon-carbon bonds in lignin to make sustainable aviation fuels

Along with ElaadNL, PhD researcher Tim Slangen studied the phenomenon known as supraharmonic disturbances, which can adversely affect the operation and efficiency of electrical appliances.

Preventing power quality issues caused by electric vehicle charging

For several years now, energy storage in salt batteries has been advertised as an environmentally friendly concept that can help accelerate the heat transition. However, product development has only truly hit its stride since recently, says Jelle Houben, PhD candidate at TU/e.

Salt battery for home use

TU/e researchers Adriana Creatore and Rene Janssen collaborate in Solliance to push the efficiency of solar cells.

Four terminal perovskite-silicon PV tandem devices hit 30 percent efficiency

Robot arms could become safer in industrial settings by applying an artificial skin containing proximity heat sensors to detect humans in all directions.

New printing method for artificial "skin" containing heat sensors

Research collaboration leads to a new way for smartwatch-like wrist-worn devices to better assess sleep apnea.

A light-based wearable to detect sleep apnea