Sensory motion tracking

Last updated on 30 Jun, 2020

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Sensory motion tracking

The future of human digital interaction

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Sensory motion tracking enabled by smart MEMS-based inertial sensors is at the forefront of our fourth industrial age, pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence and machine learning further than we could have imagined. Already widely used in animation productions, elite athletes now use motion sensors to enhance their performance and sports enthusiasts to improve their tennis serve or golf swing. In healthcare, motion tracking is helping people to monitor their heart rates, sleep patterns and fitness levels.

MEMS-based inertial sensors provide affordable information and using this information further for human-tracking applications is quite intricate and complex. Calibrated proprioceptive sensor measurements have to be processed using sophisticated sensor fusion algorithms that should be mathematically correct and supported by robust modelling relevant to a specific application.

Less than five decades ago sensory motion tracking involved huge and prohibitively expensive inertial-based systems mostly used for navigation. The industry needs influenced the MEMS-based technology which, in its turn, has driven the evolution of the sensory motion tracking technology. Now MEMS-based inertial systems dominate the motion capture market and drive innovations in different industries.

Just half a year ago the sensory motion tracking technology aiding tele-medicine was a nice-to-have, now, with the “new normal”, it has become a necessity. Our physical, biological and technological worlds are merging like never before, and the potential of sensory motion capture is only restricted by the extent of our imagination. This ground-breaking technology is opening the possibilities for entrepreneurs and innovators to transform their own industries.

Xsens, the global leader in 3D motion tracking technology and pioneer of the Xsens DOT development platform, is holding a webinar to discuss the latest trends in Wearable Tech on July, 14 and July, 15.  If you are a developer, entrepreneur, innovator or business decision maker and would like to know more about how you can use this ground-breaking technology within your field of work, please register here.