
Team Princeton Engineering


Princeton, NJ


At Princeton Engineering, we bring together people from across academic disciplines, from industry, non-profits and government, from all nations, and from all backgrounds. We value our collaborative culture because it is what is needed to achieve breakthroughs that address the pressing needs of society. Problems related to energy, environment, health, sustainable development, security, and privacy all entail a mix of technological, political, economic, and cultural factors. As engineers and applied scientists, we start from a deep foundation in fundamental science and then apply those principles to make a positive difference in the world. Princeton University is a terrific place to make and build these critical connections. We are a world-class engineering school in the heart of a great liberal arts university. We share a close-knit campus with leaders in the humanities, public policy, and the social and natural sciences. And it is an institution driven by an ethic of service and teaching.

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