
Team ETH


Zurich, Switzerland


Freedom and individual responsibility, entrepreneurial spirit and open-​mindedness: ETH Zurich stands on a bedrock of true Swiss values. Our university for science and technology dates back to the year 1855, when the founders of modern-​day Switzerland created it as a centre of innovation and knowledge. At ETH Zurich, students discover an ideal environment for independent thinking, researchers a climate which inspires top performance. Situated in the heart of Europe, yet forging connections all over the world, ETH Zurich is pioneering effective solutions to the global challenges of today and tomorrow.

Latest Posts

Researchers at ETH Zurich have recently developed artificial muscles for robot motion. Their solution offers several advantages over previous technologies: it can be used wherever robots need to be soft rather than rigid or where they need more sensitivity when interacting with their environment.

Artificial muscles - lighter, safer, more robust

ETH researchers are developing a low-​carbon cement with a significantly lower embodied CO2 content than traditional cement. The Ultra Green Concrete project aims to make low-​carbon, high-​performance concrete widely accessible.

Green change in a grey industry

A new ETH study compares 27 humanoid robots with humans and comes to the conclusion that while robots have better components, they are still not capable of achieving as much. However, according to the authors of the study, the machines are catching up.

Humans are far superior to robots

Researchers from ETH Zurich created a new open-​source platform and programming language called LMQL. This programming language makes it easier, cheaper, and safer to interact with large language models like ChatGPT.

A new form of human-computer interaction

Whether rooftop solar panels are worth the cost is largely dependent in Switzerland on local compensation rates for solar power and on electricity prices in general – these are the findings of a study by researchers at ETH Zurich and the University of Bern. Many power grid operators pay too little, thereby limiting the expansion of solar power.

Patchwork of issues limits solar expansion