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Lausanne, Zwitserland



What we do

Located in Switzerland, EPFL is one of Europe’s most vibrant and cosmopolitan science and technology institutions. EPFL is Europe’s most cosmopolitan technical university. It welcomes students, professors and collaborators of more than 120 nationalities. EPFL has both a Swiss and international vocation and focuses on three missions: teaching, research and innovation. EPFL collaborates with an important network of partners, including other universities and colleges, secondary schools and gymnasiums, industry and the economy, political circles and the general public, with the aim of having a real impact on society.

Latest Posts

Kevin Turani-I-Belloto has developed a low-cost method for breaking down ammonia to produce hydrogen. He’s just been awarded a Bridge grant to develop a proof of concept for his technology.

Getting hydrogen out of ammonia

Researchers at EPFL have developed a new, uniquely modular machine learning model for flexible decision-making. It is able to input any mode of text, video, image, sound, and time-series and then output any number, or combination, of predictions.

Anything-in-anything-out: a new modular AI model