
Clay Hine


Trondheim, Norway


Business Development Manager


Clay is a Business Development Manager at Nordic Semiconductor, currently focusing on the global asset tracking market and all of the various use cases within this market that Nordic’s technology supports. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois, focusing on RF and antenna engineering. Clay has held various positions in R&D, sales, and business development at a variety of hardware-focused technology companies.

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As IoT technology evolves, automation will play a more important role by, for instance, automatically stopping the watering process once the soil has received a sufficient level of moisture. Furthermore, analysis of irrigation data transmitted to Cloud computing can help ensure that watering occurs at the optimal time (for example, overnight or at cooler times during the day) to minimize evaporation losses.

Cellular IoT helps farmers use water wisely

Enough food is produced each year to comfortably feed the world’s 8 billion population. Yet, in 2023 at least 345 million people face high levels of food insecurity, according to the World Food Programme. The true number could be twice that. Between harvest and home, one-third of all the food produced is lost or wasted—about 2.5 billion tonnes—the weight of a couple of Mount Everests.

Wasting away: Wireless IoT tackles global food waste crisis

Warehouse inventory management can be complex enough on modest scales, but the exponential surge in online shopping triggered by the pandemic and continuing has made things much more challenging. Volumes of warehouse stock have gone through the roof – or at least right up to the rafters.

Transforming warehouse management